Invited International Artist

2024 Invited International Artist

Born and raised in Huelva, Aurelio Jose Diaz Trillo, also known by his artistic name "Buly", symbolizes the artistic search for his own voice. With Picasso and Bacon as the main references of his early paintings, he has evolved along with his work to create an inner world that is relatable to everyone. As we still can see the huge influence of cubism in his art, especially in the geometry and the space, the Andalusian artist has depicted, characters, houses, landscapes ... life in a nutshell, being able to do so with his inalienable style.

From Vienna to Marrakech and paraphrasing the author "my work talks from me", in his paintings he challenges the concept of space, with his figures corning out of the frame; the time, melting all over the surface; and the characters, being at the same time space and time. Buly has found what many artists have chased during all their lives and have not achieved, the fact that all of us can look at any of his paintings and say: it is a "Buly".

Aurelio Jose Diaz Trillo,


Degree of Forestry Engineering, College of Huelva, 1952

Chelsea School of Art London, 1974

Engraving, Escuela de Bellas Artes de San Fernando Madrid, 1983

Buly's work has been exhibited in the UK, Spain, Italy, and Belgium, and is part of many private and public collections. In addition to his art, Buly has taught Art and Graphic Design. 


Buly Painting